What herbs promote male potency: force of nature

Potency in ancient times was considered the equivalent of the manhood, and the extinction of sexual opportunities, painful a man perceived himself, and barely able to please his woman. Since then, little has changed in this regard. Rather, the Situation has worsened because of the modern ecology, and the rhythm of life, not particularly to maintain the health of the sexual organs. Hustle and bustle, the race for illusory success, consumption of unhealthy foods and beverages, lack of exercise – all of this has meant that young men can learn on their own experience, what is erectile dysfunction. In this Situation, herbs can help to increase potency in men.

Herbs for potency

For the treatment of potency with the help of herbal titles you have to be responsible as well, as well as to medical. Before the use of drugs, the indications, and contraindications should. Also position must on the eve to the doctor for examination and diagnosis. Because of the lack of potency is never a stand-alone disease, rather this process as the result of disturbances in the hormonal System, circulation, etc.

Often, different disease symptoms at a glance Amateur explicit no pathology to say, but only a doctor can detect the nuances that tell him that the reason is somewhere else entirely. To treat neglect a visit to the hospital, and the recording itself, you can not only unnecessary the time in the expectation of a positive result, but skip and the beginning of serious diseases and unfavorable, which are simply no longer at the Start and difficult to treat in the executed Form.

If the herbs are collected, it is important to be absolutely sure that this plant is exactly what is needed. The meeting place should not be in polluted areas. The plants on a roadside of the highway, such as in the recycle bin, the storage of chemical products, in the vicinity of existing establishments and the factories accumulate heavy metals, chlorine, and other substances that not only destroy use Phyto raw materials, but also make them dangerous to use.

Herbs for the potency in a pharmacy

Dangerous the plants buy with the hands in the markets, you can never be sure where you grew up. The dry mixtures, any collection and tinctures in the pharmacy of beginning, grown bought in ecologically safe areas, go through the stages of control that leaves no doubt as to its purity.

On pharmacy shelves you will find a finished fees for the improvement of potency, or buy the necessary ingredients and a composition of his own out of herbs and roots. Many of the tinctures, which requires home preparation and time for the defense you can also buy the already fully ready for use, for example, a tincture is:

  • Ginseng;
  • Eleutherococcus;
  • Propolis;
  • ljubistka;
  • Peonies;
  • Motherwort;
  • Schisandra;
  • Hawthorn;
  • Aralia.

Pay attention to the dry grass, increase the Tonus of the organism and the potency of: nettle, clover, yarrow, Barbarea vulgaris, Golden root, roots, sweet flag, clover, chamomile, Tribulus terrestris, Orobanche, Valerian, oats.

Safe herbs for potency

For the improvement of potency, the plants not only directly impact on the reproductive system. A positive effect on erection taking herbs with the effect on:

  • hematopoietic function;
  • Muscle system;
  • Vessels and veins;
  • the metabolic processes in the body.
  • Respiratory System, Liver, Kidneys;
  • Nervous system.

Holistic healing of the body, decoctions and tinctures is therefore having an impact on his sexual functions, because in the case of thick blood, increased cholesterol, constipation, poor patency of the veins, lack of oxygen in the blood, it is difficult to powerful sexual potential.

Herbs that increase potency in men, consume individually, or fees which are useful in such components:

  • Thyme;
  • Ginkgo Biloba;
  • Nettle;
  • Mint;
  • Dubrovnik;
  • gorjanka;
  • Leaf Raspberries, Currants;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Yarrow;
  • Rhodiola rosea;
  • young needles.

What unites all of these herbs

Herbs for the potency give immediate results, so that the effect of their application useful components appeared to have. in the body in the right amount The primary commandment of phytotherapy is received, the observance of the time schedule. If the drink must be in a certain amount of three times of the day, you should not to drink in the evening, the entire daily requirement. It may be, to damage such a lot of "Goodies" or not understood.

The taking is carried out in courses, usually 2-3 weeks then usual, similar to the time break. If there is a need, then after the expiration of the rest period the treatment can be repeated. At the same time, several decoctions or tinctures to take into account that not all the plants "friends" with each other, for example, Valerian can not be combined with a sedative (soothing) effect and stimulating clay, Ginseng root.

Contraindications to the use of herbs

Contraindications for each herb for the Stimulation of male potency and with them, the recording must be before the Start. Diabetes mellitus, high or low blood pressure, heart attack or stroke in history, thrombosis, pulmonary and hepatic pathology, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer in men can be an obstacle for the use of a certain plant.

You mark the way and the willing a figure of medication. For men, which is contraindicated alcohol is not considered, the recipes where wine or vodka-tincture is. Contraindication, Allergy or idiosyncrasy of this plant. If the husband never used to drink had to take the decoction of some herbs in the morning, a small dose (1-2 SIPS), and observing their condition during the day. If something suspicious happens, then the obstacles for the course of treatment.


If there is an atypical reaction of the body – the swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose, pain, rash, scabies, you need to anti-drink allergic preparation, for example, diazolin, wait until the symptoms disappear and you repeat the experiment to confirm that the changes caused by just boiling it. If they were to occur again, along with other herbs for the natural increase of their potency must.

What herbs promote male potency

Plants, the work has a positive effect on the erection "" in different directions. You can inflammation improve the supply of oxygen to the body, influence on the composition of the blood, reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, a positive effect on the condition of the blood vessels and heart muscle, have a soothing or restorative effect, to shoot and to prevent, in order to stimulate the production of male hormones, increase the number and improve the quality of seminal fluid.

How does Aloe houseplant

To overestimate is difficult, the possibilities of this plant. Even 10-15 years ago almost in each house there is a pot of Aloe was. He deals with a runny nose, sore throat, abscesses, burns and much more. It contains a unique composition of essential oils, amino acids, minerals and vitamins, which its application is shown, in the case of the violation of potency, of Prostatitis, but also pathological processes in the prostate.

To increase the potency of the fruit flesh of the plant used is rich in juice. In order to get the leaves of Aloe in a refrigerator for 5-7 days, it is the composition of concentrated nutrients and rich. Thereafter, each sheet is cut and scraped the flesh into a glass or ceramic bowl. Best for this purpose, a spoon is. In the end, only the shell remain close to plants. From this mass you can. through a clean cheesecloth, wring out the pure juice But in many recipes is used, and the original raw material:

  1. 200 gr. Pulp of the Aloe mixed with an equal amount of honey, added a handful of chopped walnut kernels, and 50 gr. Puree of parsnips. You take in every day, a soup spoon of the mixture three times a day, potency and begin to recover.
  2. 300 gr. Pulp of the Agave 200 gr. Honey and juice of 2 large lemons to give a homogeneous composition are mixed, and take a teaspoon 3 times per day. The lemon was better to have juice.pokatat on the table, sealing the Hand-squeezing to the surface, then cook, pour boiling water
  3. You need to take a small handful of raisins, all seeds, nuts, dates, figs, dried apricots, 200 gr. of honey and as much of the juice of the Aloe, mix until smooth. A tablespoon of this mixture in the morning, saturate the body with vitamins, all of which contribute to a good potency and erection state.

The influence of Schisandra on the potency

Lemon grass is the cost of the Top herbs for potency. To improve the quality of erections, the berries the use of this plant. The effect of their use of the effect begins atypically fast for Phyto-therapeutic drugs, after 30 minutes of taking and lasts up to 6 hours. Schizandra is helpful for men who suffer from premature ejaculation, relieves inflammation of the reproductive organs, after its consumption produces more sperm than usual.

Lemon grass is for hypertension patients and people with epilepsy, UDV, heart disease, and here gipotonikam it will help the pressure. The plant tones, adds energy and vitality. In case of overdose, disturbances of cardiac rhythm, accelerated pulse and breathing.

  1. Decoction. Tablespoon a glass of water, berries, crushed, poured and boiled in an enamel pot for 5-7 minutes on very low heat (languish). Decoction take one tablespoon three times a day.
  2. The Tincture. The berries pour alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1: 5 and insist in a cool and dark for 14 days. Take the tincture you need a teaspoon every morning before eating, you can add it to tea.
  3. The seeds of this plant also have a positive effect on erection and potency. You need to crushed, and pour the vodka in a ratio of 1 part to 3 parts vodka. Drink not sooner than an hour after eating a tablespoon.


Speaking of which, what herbs, the potency increase for men, it is impossible to ignore Ivan tea. Its composition, such as specifically shaped by the nature, in order to save as long as possible potency. In addition, it has a pleasant taste and it is possible to replace all the traditional drinks, such as coffee. Grass not only helps to improve erection and sexual performance, but also strengthen the immune system, get rid of stomach problems, dysbiosis, support the cardiovascular system, improves the composition of the blood.

  1. Tea. On Standard kyusu (400-500 ml) you will need 2 tablespoons of inflorescences. If you want you can put a spoon of green tea without additives. Pour the water (95 °C) and let stand for 5-10 minutes. You drink in the course of the day as you want, for a better effect instead of sugar, you can drink sweetened with honey.
  2. The Infusion. A glass of water you need, take a tablespoon of Ivan tea and boil in water bath for 15 min. Then give 2-3 hours, through a sieve, strain and drink 30 ml (glass) 4 times per day.
Lemon grass

Ginseng root

Ginseng root, namely, his alkoxide, is known to many, you can buy them at any pharmacy and it costs only a few cents. In this case, this is a means, among others, and the strongest stimulant for the potency of men, especially when sexual problems caused by anxiety, overwork and Stress. The drug is completely ready for use.

Ginseng root should be applied according to the scheme, starting with a drop of the solution into the day, and gradually brings up to the amount that corresponds to the age of the patient. Then the Countdown begins. It is a further Chart – daily 20-30 drops in the course of the month.

Ginseng root hit dice add of refined sugar and or drops dissolve in water. No impact to his quality of medical care has, in both cases, the tincture will help as well.


At the Moment, science knows 23 different compounds in the composition of Dubrovnik, among which there are:

  • Flavonoids;
  • Essential oils;
  • Coumarins;
  • Phenylii salicylas;
  • Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Vitamin C, Potassium;
  • Amino Acids – 16 PCs.

Decoctions and tinctures on the Basis of this plant fight against free radicals, inhibit pathogens, and bacteria, relieve spasms, remove inflammation.

2-3 tablespoons dry raw pour a glass of boiling water and allow to cool, strain and drink 3-4 times a day before meals half an hour.
He is good and in the composition of the charges, where the components complement and reinforce the effect of each other.

2 parts dry yarrow mix with a part of Dubrovnik and the same amount at the roots of the calamus. On each spoon collection 1 Cup of water is taken. Herb with boiling water and wait until you pour has cooled, drink it three times a day 1 Cup of.



This plant is very valuable for the health of the man with a high content of zinc and chromium, which are necessary to the work of the reproductive system. The planning, conception, preferably, they drink tea instead of at least 4 months decoction of thyme, this increases the activity of sperm and amount of seminal fluid. Cook this healthy drink is not more difficult than normal welding:

Fall asleep in kyusu 2-4 tablespoons of dried herbs and pour them with hot water. You drink in the course of the day as you want, for a better effect of the sugar with honey.

Herbs that increase potency in men, no old wives ' tale, and no anachronisms. It is really an effective way to improve your erection, prevents the development of diseases of the reproductive system, improve blood circulation in the genitals and improves semen quality.

The official medicine does not only not forbid, but also recommends that preventive and curative purposes to take Phyto-medicines used to strengthen the potency and prevention of erectile dysfunction.